Languages Represented on Campus

Language Proficiency Database

The Language Proficiency Database helps provide a window into Wesleyan's international dimension by documenting the variety of languages represented on campus. Currently, the database shows expertise in 70+ languages, reflecting fluencies acquired through experiences ranging from coursework at Wesleyan to being a heritage learner or a native speaker of the language.

Members of the Wesleyan community are strongly encouraged to enter their proficiency in languages other than English in Wesportal, by choosing 'My Information > 'Language Proficiency' or clicking here. More than one language can be entered and users self-assess their speaking, reading and writing proficiency, as well as indicate if they are native speakers of the languages. In addition to documenting the wealth of language expertise on campus, as demonstrated in the chart below, this database also allows departments and programs to contact those who registered with information about specific language events and opportunities.

Please contact the FCGS ( if you have questions about using the database or if you want to:

  • receive information about services designed for non-native speakers of English
  • create a community of speakers of a particular language
  • act as a language conversation partner (paid and volunteer)

Languages with Registered Speakers on Campus:

Last updated: February 2022.